Julian Jayar
Julian Jayar Somatics
Finding more pleasure in our bodies - free of shame!

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Julian Jayar is a Certified Somatic Sex Educator & Sexological Bodyworker.
Celebrating the diversity of our erotic natures, he sees value in slowing down and being more mindful to the increased pleasure we are capable of finding in our bodies and how exploring embodiment can yield significant benefits for mental health. Unashamedly sex-positive and a self-described ‘pleasure activist’, Julian recognises how ignorance and taboo stemming from social, family and cultural conditioning often shames sexuality, limiting our access to pleasure.
As an educator and speaker willing to share from personal experience, he is engaging, personable and playfully willing to break the ice on topics that can feel awkward.
Julian presents workshops and intimacy exercises at retreats and festivals around Australia and offers bodywork sessions, individual sex & pleasure coaching 1-on-1 and for couples, and sexuality education group facilitation in the Adelaide region and online.
Julian is also a graduate of the Urban Tantra Professional Training Program studying under Barbara Carellas, a professional member of the Somatic Sex Educators Association of Australia (SSEAA) and co-author of Amazon best selling book “Wild Eros: The Power of Pleasure.”
Lets get curious…